Tuesday, September 4, 2012

The Void

I have never made a blog before in my life so stay with me while I get through it and try to explain what I thought was a great part in Of The Nature Of Things: Particularly The Void,

The existence of invisible particles is supported  by other invisible bodies.  Particles move throughout bodies which is why they can exist.

"Lastly if two broad bodies leap asunder quickly from a meeting, surely it must needs be that air seized upon all the void". (Lucretius) The void exists because of open space, without the void the ability for a body to go from place to place is impossible.

As I have been reading through Of The Nature of Things, Understanding the void seemed important. My insight would be the void is the parts that work around the bodies. For example the air that flows throughout the world in open space, if the air particles didn't exist in the void life couldn't be sustained by anyone or thing because bodies wouldn't be able to enter any other space. The bodies and the void have a symbiotic relationship in this world and its where we exist. 

"That which we're seeking with sagacious quest
     Exists, infallibly, commixed with things—
     The void, the invisible inane". (Lucretius) 

The Void

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